Montag, 30. Oktober 2017

Who doesn´t want to be the evil queen? My Regina Cosplay

Reginas outfit in the episode „True North“ (Season 1 Episode 9) was always my favorite one from all of her gorgeus dresses, so I just had to cosplay it. I start working on this Cosplay in 2015 to wear it at the Leipziger Bookfair. I sadly never 100% finished this Cosplay even tough I already wore it twice. Back in 2015 I just don´t had enough time and later I just put it beside always saying that someday I will make the rest of this Cosplay, but now I doubt that this will happen. So the cape and the gloves are missing, but I still want to show you how I made the parts I finished.

Luckily McCalls has a Collection of Cosplay patterns and they have the pattern for exactly the outfit from Regina I wanted to Cosplay. I first made a mockup from some cheap cotton I had laying around to test the fitting of the pattern. The mockup already fitted very well so I just had to make some small adjustments.

The final piece was sewn frome some purple velvet flock damask. The fabric is not screen accurate. In the series it is a purple fabric with a black pattern, but I searched really long but only could find a purple one with purple pattern. The coat has a black polyester lining. The coat has a lacing in the back and is closed with snap fasteners, the buttons are only founded. The two little flaps on the front are made from some black cotton leftover I had from another project and sewn on to the coat. The silver tapes are actually just some kind of thick present ribbon, it was the only ribbon I found with the right color. The tapes are glued on with some glue.

Regina has this kind of waist pillows under her coat to define her shape better. I just sewed two square pillows and filled them with cushioning cotton. I sewed to straps on the back of both and through this I put a black cord to tie it around my waist.

The base of the hat was a hat from a carnival store I just had to remove the ribbon that was on it. Afterwards I started glueing on many, many, MANY rhinestones on it by hand. The new ribbon I put around the hat is the same on that I used on the coat. The feathers (that are actually to small but time was short and I didn´t had other ones) are glued on with fabric glue. And the last part the brooch was not selfmade but just from ebay.

The wig I used was from MyCostumes and had a great quality. The wig already had a good lenght and was also already curly enough. I manly just had to tease the wig … a Lot. And also put a LOT of hairspray into it, but now it the wig hair stays really good in place ( I actually don´t know if I would ever get all of the hairspray out)

The shoes (and the leggings) were the easiest parts cause I just buyed them in on ebay. And for the high of the heels the shoes are actually quite comfortable

Foto: Miclast

Foto: Miclast

Mittwoch, 13. September 2017

Battle Bunny Riven

I made my Battle Bunny Riven Cosplay for the Gamescom 2015. For this Cosplay I´ve build my first weapon. I wanted a Cosplay with a simple outfit so that I could concentrade on building the weapon. Before I started working on the Cosplay I was very afraid cause I was really not used to that well „revealing“ character of the clothes, but despite the promiscuity of the outfit I feeled actually very comfortable in it.

First thing to do were the shoes. I choosed flat shoes despite the high heels she actually wears, cause of comfort I knew that I would wear this Cosplay two hole days and I really needed shoes that didn´t kill me already after ½ h. I couldn´t find flats in the right colour so I just buyed some cheap white ones and painted them with pink leather colour. This worked really good even after two hole days of walking around the conventions in the shoes they colour still has no damage. The ribbon was only glued on to the shoes with fabric glue which also holds perfectly.

Then I started with the sewing part so I could later concentrate on making the sword. The tie was made from a simple pattern that I found online and only shrinked a bit. The collar pattern was selfmade. Both is sewn out of simple cotton and closed with a snap fastener in the front.

The cuffs are also made from a pattern I´ve found online,sewn with cotton and closed with a snap fastener. The carrots is sculpted out of Worbla, painted with acyrlics and glued on to the cuffs with some hotglue.

The carrot that belongs on to the belt was also sculpted out of Worbla, painted with acrylics and glued on to the belt with hotglue.

The base of the belt is EVA-Foam with one EVA strip on the top and one at the bottom to define the edge better. Then I covered it with fake leather and glued it on to the back. The strip that holds the carrot in place is made of the same fake leather, a douple layer sewn together and then glued onto the back as well. The bunny tail is made from a round little pillow on which I glued on cotton batting to make it look as fluffy as possible and then brought it a bit in shape by hand. I hotglued the tail on to the belt. The belt has no closing I just slip it over.

 Gloves and ears are only bought cause of limited time, a broken sewing machine and the fact that they where quite cheap.

The body was also just bought because of the same reasons. The picture was from my first fittting test. At this point I finished all parts of the Cosplay execpt the sword so now I could focus only on the building of it.

First I searched for a good reference picture. Imported was that I could see the proportions of the weapon compared to Riven

Then I seized it in the right size and seperated it in pieces as big as a A4 paper, printed it out, glued it together and cutted it out.

Then I copied the sword and the details on EVA Foam, cutted it out as well. I sanded it down by hand (you really should use some kind of sanding tool for it or otherwise it will take forever). And covered it with Worbla.

The handle was quite different to make. The base is a wood bar. All the details are made out of Worbla. The ring is out of wood also covered in Worbla and the spike end is made out of EVA covered in Worbla. The handle is fixed to the blade with a threaded bar so I can easily screwed it apart to make transporting more easy.

 After I´ve build the sword I primed it with woodglue and painted it with acrylics

Picture by Insiderz Photography

Photo by EsportsAcademy

Freitag, 14. Juli 2017

Lady Loki

My Lady Loki Cosplay was my second Cosplay and it´s still one of my favorite Cosplays, which I already partly reworked twice. I´ve made it for the Leipziger Bookfair in 2015. My intention from the beginning was to make this my first Cosplay to build an armor for.
It´s my own design inspired by several fanarts, nordic mythology, other Lady Loki Cosplays and of course the design of Loki in the movies from Marvel. It was a long process to make my own design out of all the sourcess I´ve found.

I didn´t made a draft of the hole Cosplay, settled how everthing will look and then just followed this plan and built every piece after it. But I made only a rough draft at the beginning and decided while I built the pieces how they will look like and what other pieces would look good two it.
At the end I built a lot more armor pieces then I planned cause I just thought that it made the Cosplay look a lot more badass.

I started with the sewing part. The petticoat is made out of green tulle and green cotton biastape. The skirt has two layers of tulle. That´s not that much but I didn´t want to make it look to voluminous, not to 50´s like so it still could fit to a nordic badass god villain. Over it comes a simple circle skirt made out of cotton, so basically it´s only circle with a hole in it.

The pattern for the dress was selfmade. The dress consists of a top and the flaps that hang over the skirt. The dress is also sewn out of cotton. I thought that cotton would be from the onside something to sew easily and from the other side simple to, relativ steady fitting for a warrior and nordic mythologie character. The cape is just a to the bottom widher becoming square with black biastape at the edges as a nice contrast and to make it look cleaner. On the cleavage of the dress is also black biastape to hide my shamefully unclean sewn border.

The corsett and the necklace are just buyed. The corsett was originally just an emergency solution cause I messed up with the tucks. To hide the so developed pleats I just tried how this not for cosplay ordered belt would look to this and it really upgraded the whole cosplay.

The pocket is made out of fake leather. It was not part of my orignal draft but I needed something to carry around my phone, wallet, keys, cosplay emergency kit and co during the con. It took quite some time to create the pattern. Pockets are harder to make then often expectet especially square ones. The closing is made out of two fake leather stripes with snap hookes. On the front side I painted Yggdrasil the tree of the worlds from the nordic mythologie with golden Acrylics.

The first part of armor to build were the bracers. The design based on the bracers of Loki in the Thor movies. The base is foam rubber sandwiched with Worbla. The decoelements are burned in the worbla with a soldering iron. Primed with woodglue and painted with acyrlics. The bracers were actually the first armor piece I ever build with Worbla.

The shoulder armor consists of two plates Worbla with a expanding foam core. The motives are just cutted out of worbla. They are meant to symbolize the fenrin wolf, which is in the nordic mythologie a child of loki, and the silhouette of Asgard (from the movie).

I made two square holes in both pieces to put a douple layered stripe of black fake leather through it. The stripe is closed with velcro tape and goes once around the upper body.

The upper arm armor design is directly based on the design from the Thor movie. Like the other pieces it´s made out of a craftfoam sandwiched with Worbla. The decoration is cutted out of the Worbla and the little balls are made of Worbla scraps. It´s closed with two elasting bands going around the arm and closed with velcro tape.

The shoes armor are my own design.They are only made of Worbla and craftfoam. The scales are out of Worbla and were all cutted out by hand (nearly 360 induvidal scales!). Of course they were all placed by hand also, which nearly took forever.

On the pictures you can see very well what a difference shading can make when you paint your armor. On the second picture you can see the difference between when you only paint your armor with the basic colour and when you add some shadows. It already adds a lot depth to the armor. At the third picture you see both pieces with added shadows. And the last picture shows the difference between only added shadows and with also add some highlights.

Adding highlights will define the edges of your armor very well and make the colour pop out more also. The armor is closed with a fake leather stripe fixed on the armor and closed with velcro tape.

The heel armor was added by me two years later when I wanted to wear the cosplay again for a Convention. They are made of Worbla, each scale again cutted out of Worbla by hand.

On the right side you can also see the ring I added to the cosplay. Also made out of Worbla and also each scale cutted out by hand (at least this time it were like only 10 scales).

To the shoes does not only the armor pieces belong but also a a fake leather stripe put a around the bootleg. For the heming I used a bright yellow yarn to make a little decorative seam. The bootleg stripe and th closing stripe for the shoes armor are both hemmed by hand.

The leg armor was originally more an emergency solution. Originally I wanted to wear boots which are going until the knee with some Worbla decorations but this plan didn´t work out. So instead of boots I decided to wear the other shoes and add a leg armor. The design of the leg armor is based on the design of the boots of Loki in the first Thor movie. The base is made out of Worbla. The middle part is fake leather glued to the Worbla and decorated with Worbla to imitate the design of Lokis boots.

On the right picture you can also see the knee armor . It is made of craftfoam only. Originally I had made them of Worbla but they looked just strange and also restricted my walking to much. So I made them again of simple craftfoam so they would still be flexible. They are not shaped by heat but took their form by themselves whenI put them around my knees.

Armor only made of craftfoam tends to brake more easily then armor made of Worbla. But actually after three Conventions they still hold very well. They still have no damage and are also quite comfortable.

The last thing I built were the most recognizable part of Loki, his horns. I actually procrastinated to build them cause I was very afraid to fail at. I decided not to make a helmet like Loki weares in the movies but a kind of headband.

The design of the headband was made by me.

The base shape is made of craftfoam sandwiched with Worbla to make it extra durable. The horns are sculptured of Fimo Air Light, an extra light sculpting clay. They are not perfect but for a first try they look quite well I think. They are fixed to the headband with screws which is very durable. I put a Worbla band at the part were the horns and the headband connect to hide the not so pretty seam.

The headband has two d-rings on the backside and a velcro tape stripe going through them to put the heandband around the head. This is not the most elegant solution cause you can´t hide the velcro tape stripe under the wig but at least its black like the wig so it´s not that noticeable.


The horns were also painted with acrylics

Foto by Hartmut Rohde

Foto by Narya Cosplay & Art

Mittwoch, 31. Mai 2017

Welcome to my new Blog
Hey Guys welcome to my new blog, here I want to show you a bit more of how I make my costumes. My next blog entries will be about the making of some of the costumes I already have done and of course after this entries about the cosplays I´m working on at the moment will follow. If you have any questions or problems feel free to ask me :)